Our first problem was making the various ingredients into something resembling a smoothie. We made the rookie mistake of putting in a whole bunch of spinach first, only to realize that all these fluffy leaves would keep the blades from reaching the apple slices. This required the removal of many of the leaves before the apples would blend. After that we decided to be smart and put in the strawberries, banana and orange before adding in more of the leaves.
Unfortunately, the finished product was not very cold, despite the fact that we used frozen strawberries and everything else had been refrigerated. The drink was indeed green, but had disturbing red flecks in it. Although these were clearly from the strawberries they foreshadowed the inevitable graininess and generally unpleasant texture. We solved the cold problem by putting it in the fridge for a few minutes. Sadly, no amount of blending made this concoction smooth enough to be enjoyable.
The biggest problem, however, was not merely that it was an unpleasant culinary experience. As adults we can all agree agree that sometimes the benefits outweigh the unpleasantness and you just remember it's good for you and eat it anyway. The problem here was that there weren't any immediate benefits. It was not satisfying, did not keep us full for more than an hour, and didn't increase our energy. There was simply nothing to motivate us to go through the ordeal of making this drink a second time.
We subsequently tried amended recipes in an attempt to understand why so many people seem to be so enamoured. There were some improvements, but overall it is not making the cut for our daily lineup.