When you apply for college, law school, or grad school you have a golden opportunity to move out of your home state and try a different state on for size. But what if you pick all wrong? That could leave you in a state of depression or a state of confusion for several years and that just won't do.
Of course, we wouldn't present you with a problem if we didn't have at least a bit of the solution at hand. So we do indeed have some help for you in sorting all of this out. A team of researchers at the University of Cambridge used personality test data from over one million Americans and were able to identify 3 distinct personality regions in the country. By taking a short (10 question test) you can quickly ascertain where in America you would best fit in - and move there! At least for a few years to see what you think.
Take the test. Don't press the button on the picture because that one doesn't work.